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Productos de CBD
Absolutely! There are countless testimonials from around the world indicating that the effects of the cannabinoid molecule (CBD) are beneficial for both animals and humans alike. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the name of the active molecule (one of two, the other being THC) in the cannabis plant, which has been found to offer numerous mental-cognitive and health benefits.
CBD products have been found effective by pet owners (especially dogs and cats) worldwide in reducing stress and anxiety, providing general relaxation, and alleviating anxiety and hyperexcitability in both dogs and cats alike.
Dogs and cats, domesticated animals living among us, have undergone a long evolutionary process during which they have adapted themselves to life in an urban environment within enclosed homes rather than the natural environment to which they were accustomed.
Urban life does not conform to the natural habitat of animals (nature), thereby causing dogs and cats to experience constant stress, hyperactivity, and sometimes even anxiety.
Testimonials from pet owners worldwide report that regular consumption of CBD products tailored to their pets has made their animals calmer and happier, and has helped reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, such as excessive excitement from being left alone at home without the owner, or restlessness and discomfort when guests arrive.
In addition to the psychological-cognitive aspect, there is ample evidence from around the world that CBD oil assists animals with inflammatory diseases, epilepsy, and reducing cancerous growths.
Happy Garden’s CBD treats are specifically tailored for training, learning, and enjoyment. Our CBD treats contain ingredients suitable for animal nutrition (animal fat, meat and poultry by-products, as well as vitamins) and come in flavors tailored differently for dogs and cats.
The dog treats are adapted to the carnivorous palate of dogs (with flavors such as bacon and steak), while the cat treats are tailored to the feline palate and are based on chicken and more.
Dogs and cats greatly enjoy the combination of the herbal flavors of cannabis and the meat/poultry flavors, so the CBD treats combine both training and health benefits for the dogs and cats that consume them.
Not much, likely just sleepiness or mild fatigue. It is recommended to adhere to the appropriate dosage—not too low to be ineffective in terms of pain relief effect and to contain a very wide range of cannabinoids, nor too high.
Medical research is still ongoing, but current data shows that CBD has demonstrated significant efficacy for the following conditions:
– Anxiety
– Behavioral disorders
– Alleviation of cancer symptoms
– Seizures and convulsions
– Immune system diseases
CBD has been approved for the first time for use in people suffering from epilepsy, and it has been found to reduce seizures in patients with certain forms of the disease. However, although research in animals is still in its early stages, efficacy has already been found for the use of CBD for dogs suffering from epilepsy, seizures, and convulsions.
Please contact us via Whatsapp or call us at: +17863862545 | Monday-Fri 10:00-18:00.
En Happy Garden, nos enorgullecemos de fabricar nuestros productos en los Estados Unidos conforme a los estándares GMP y en instalaciones aprobadas por la FDA. Esto es de gran relevancia para la credibilidad y expansión de nuestra empresa.
Subrayamos el control de calidad y los procesos precisos para asegurar que cada producto que sale de nuestra fábrica cumpla con los más altos estándares. Por esta razón, llevamos a cabo pruebas de laboratorio de terceros. Es fundamental para nosotros garantizar que los productos que suministramos sean de la más alta calidad y cumplan con los estándares más exigentes. Nuestros productos reflejan nuestro compromiso con la mejora continua y con proporcionar a nuestros clientes los máximos beneficios del CBD, todo a través de procesos profesionales y consistentes. Prometemos continuar mejorando nuestros procesos de fabricación y entregar los mejores productos a nuestros clientes en todo momento.
Did you know that even pets, especially dogs and cats, can enjoy the benefits of CBD? CBD oil for dogs or cats is produced in a full spectrum process that allows the animals also to enjoy other cannabinoids that are naturally found in the cannabis plant. In addition to CBD oil, you can also purchase CBD treats manufactured to a high standard to relieve the unique problems of pets.
Why Do Pets Need CBD Products?
Dogs and cats are animals that have undergone a process of domestication. From animals accustomed to living in the wild, they became pets living indoors in an urban environment, with very little activity. Living in a noisy city can cause dogs and cats constant stress, alertness almost at all hours of the day, and even anxiety. Pet lovers who have cared for their animals with CBD products report reducing stress-related symptoms. These symptoms include fear of abandonment when owners go out to work or friends and insecurity and barking when guests come home.
Problems That CBD for Pets Can Treat
CBD oil and treats for dogs and cats may help strengthen the immune system, soothe excess temperament, treat joint pain, strengthen the skeletal and muscular system, and contribute to pets’ overall health. CBD oil also helps balance behavior, calming, relieving fears, stress, and anxiety.
CBD Bone biscuit treats enriched with CBD for dogs are excellent as a reward and positive reinforcement as part of training. You can also give it to soothe your dog during thunderstorms or fireworks. CBD treats for cats provide essential vitamins and minerals and a healthy balance of fat, fiber, and protein. The treats are effective in relieving anxiety in cats.
How To Give CBD Products to Pets
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